Paakiwaha Promo Monday 1st March 2021
Paakiwaha is an exciting weekly current affairs programme from a Māori perspective. Paakiwaha is hosted today by Dale Husband and broadcast by Radio Waatea with funding from New Zealand on Air.
On today’s show: Dr Rawiri Jansen confronts the possibility of this latest COVID-19 outbreak getting worse. He says we could see an extension of the lockdown in Auckland.
Tamaki Makaurau MP Peeni Henare joins Dale to discuss his whakaaro on Auckland's lockdown and what whanau can do to stay safe.
Manukau Urban Maori Authority chair Bernie O'Donnell tunes in to discuss how vulnerable whanau can access support through the organisation.
Maori Council Executive Director Matthew Tukaki discusses the council elections that took place over the weekend, and the changes he's hoping to see come out of his role as chairman of the ministerial advisory board at Oranga Tamariki.
Auckland mayor Phil Goff discusses his desire for the city to be at the top of the priority list for the country's vaccine roll-out campaign.
Deputy Director-General of Māori Health John Whaanga talks about how Maori will factor into the vaccine roll-out scheme.
And Maori Heritage council member Dame Rangimarie Naida Glavish tunes in to talk about her opposition to a memorial being erected in Parnell's Dove-Myer Robinson Park near a former Pa site.
'Kia kaha ki te kōrero Māori'