Critically-acclaimed theatre show ‘I AM KING, I AM QUEEN’ to make its international debut at ARONUI in September
ARONUI 2021 will be host to an international act, as renowned dancer and drag performer Roymata Holmes returns to Aotearoa, bringing their brand new show ‘I AM KING. I AM QUEEN.’, described as “an evening of soul, sexuality and a person’s journey into drag”. praised Holmes’ performance with an outstanding 4-star review, saying “Whether he's King or whether she's Queen, we were all there to worship Holmes tonight”.
Holmes’ own moving and liberating personal story has been transformed into a one-person show full of dance, pathos, sparkles and cheeky conversation.
“The story I touch on is a vulnerable one about my life and my journey but there’s also powerful messages behind it,” says Holmes’ of the show that at its heart is about authenticity and living your truth, an inspiring message for people of all backgrounds.
Audiences will experience an array of cultures that have influenced their journey including; Pasifika, Australian, New Zealand and First Nation Australians, and follow his life journey from the footy fields of Townsville, to the dancefloors of Australasia's prestigious school of dance where Roymata graduated with a dance degree in 2014.
The show is being performed as a part of the ARONUI Arts Festival’s 2021 programme, with two shows on Sunday Sept 12 at 7PM & Sunday September 19th at 7PM. The show runs for 45 minutes and includes music, dance, good banter and a surprising, glamorous end to the show that will have you dancing.
Tickets are limited, and can be purchased in-person at the i-site Rotorua, or online via. our website at
ARONUI is an Indigenous all-arts festival that runs over 11 days from September 9 to 19, and is now in its third year. The festival is organised by the newly established ARONUI Arts Festival Charitable Trust, helmed by descendants of Ngāti Whakaue and Te Arawa, alongside world-class award-winning artists.
ARONUI Arts Festival is supported by the Rotorua Lakes Council, Creative NZ, Bay Trust, Rotorua Trust, Te Arawa FM, Steambox Film Collective, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), Te Tatau O Te Arawa, Te Puni Kōkiri, and the Ministry of Culture and Heritage.
For tickets and the official 2021 ARONUI programme,
go to:
For tickets to Sun Sept 12 at 7PM:
For tickets to Sun Sept 19 at 7PM: