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Scheduled to take place from February 27 to March 2 at Millbrook Resort in Queenstown, the 2025 New Zealand Open will showcase a thrilling blend of professional golfers playing alongside amateurs in the only national Open in the world to be played in a pro-am format. With an impressive $2 million prize pool, the tournament is set to be one of the biggest in Australasia.
One of the largest class actions in New Zealand’s history has been filed in the Auckland High Court today against pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson. The class action has been brought by boutique class action firm JGA Saddler who allege the company has marketed and sold ineffective medicines for around 20 years.
GUiNZ Research Director Associate Professor Sarah-Jane Paine from the University of Auckland says the study will capture teenagers’ experiences, perspectives, and aspirations, offering valuable insights into what supports a healthy and meaningful life for young people.
The academics warned that planned changes to ECE regulations are not in children's best interests. The proposed changes go against decades of research evidence on how to ensure high quality ECE.
The 33-year-old is no stranger to the iconic race having competed six times previously and coming an agonisingly close second place last year where he missed out on the win by just three minutes.
An OFC men's tournament is set to feature an all-female officiating team for the first time, signalling a significant milestone for women's refereeing in Oceania.