Creative And Cultural Strategy Receives Hundreds Of Submissions
Feedback on the Government’s draft creative and cultural strategy shows support for a cohesive approach that boosts economic and social benefits for New Zealanders, says Leauanae Laulu Mac Leauanae, Secretary for Culture and Heritage at Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage.
"Thank you to the hundreds of people that gave us feedback on Amplify: A Creative and Cultural Strategy for New Zealand," says Leauanae.
"We received many innovative ideas and constructive feedback on the strategy.
"Overall, there is broad support for a national strategy to provide clarity of government’s role and a long-term plan for growing the sector’s contributions to New Zealand.
"People were broadly supportive of more New Zealanders engaging with arts, increasing the economic contribution of the creative industries, and ways to raise the income for creative professionals. We also heard that the proposed actions within the strategy needed to align better with what the strategy aimed to achieve.
"Submitters made it clear the strategy should balance global recognition with the needs of domestic audiences and creative practitioners.
"Feedback reflected the broader benefits of arts and culture to the lives of New Zealanders, and the intrinsic value of the arts to our quality of life. These are important drivers of the strategy.
"Feedback was also supportive of cross-government action across a range of government portfolios, such as regional development and education.
"We’ll be taking this feedback into account as we progress the strategy, with the aim to make it available this year," Leauanae says.
Read the summary of submission on the Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage website.