I'm Proud Of You- Celebrating Kiwi Dads Through Comedy
Award-winning performer and comedian Austin Harrison is hitting the road with a new show celebrating Dads like his; decent, generous kiwi blokes who aren’t afraid to tell you they’re proud of you.
In this unique comedy show, Harrison plays the whole audiences’ “Dad” and builds a shared set of childhood memories inspired by audience members' real-life stories. Every show will be unique as he weaves together reality and fiction into Dad yarns for the ages- inspired by you.
Best known for the multi-award nominated interactive, crime-thriller Magnus Steele, Harrison wanted to bring a more heart-warming edge to his new show.
“We’ve all got dads, uncles, cousins or bosses who are masters of spinning a great yarn. My Dad is one of those guys, and this show is an ode to men like him. I hope I’m Proud of You will be familiar for those with father-figures like mine, and a balm for those with more complex paternal relationships” says Harrison.
Each show will end with an original bed-time story pulling together the threads and themes of the show, and optional hugs and selfies with Dad.
Come for the yarns, stay for your new found Whānau.
I’m Proud of You is touring Aotearoa with support from New Zealand Fringe Festival, Dunedin Fringe Festival, Nelson Fringe Festival, Creative New Zealand, Hastings District Council, Palmerston North City Council and Hamilton City Council.
Full Tour Dates:
Feb 20-22
8pm, Circus Bar
NELSON (Nelson Fringe Festival)
March 11 & 12
6pm, Yaza Comedy Club
DUNEDIN (Dunedin Fringe Festival)
March 16-19
8pm, New Athenaeum Theatre
March 23rd
6:30pm, Good Times Comedy Club
March 28th
8:30pm, Tony’s Pizza
April 4 & 5
7pm, Common Room
April 10 & 11
7pm, Nivara Lounge