More Spin Over Substance From Maharey
The Auckland University of Technology’s Students Association (AuSM) has reacted angrily today to Steve Maharey’s claims that the Government delivered for students over the 2000/2001 summer.
AuSM President Glen Oliver is concerned that the Government is congratulating itself for a job well done when the majority of students are still ineligible for financial assistance if unemployed during summer.
“Claims that students are markedly better off are quite simply ridiculous. The exceptional circumstances benefit that Maharey promotes as the cure-all is difficult to access, and less than 1% of all students received it last summer”, Oliver said.
“Maharey seems determined to push the point that under the current scheme, 35% of students are eligible for the EUB. What happened to the other 65%?”
“Maharey was one of the most vocal opponents when the National Government removed the EUB in 1998. Now, as Minister, he has backed out of helping students where students need it most”.
“Now that students around the country are voicing their opinions in increasing numbers, Maharey is being forced to produce spin to cover up the failings of his so-called ‘student friendly’ Government”, said Oliver.
“Maharey should stop sidestepping and confront the
real issue by reinstating the EUB in the upcoming Budget”,
concluded Oliver.
For further information please contact:
Glen Oliver
Student Movement @AUT
Ph (09) 917 9999 ext 8571
(021) 392