Launch of pathways to the future welcomed
Te Tari Puna Ora O Aotearoa/NZ Childcare
Early childhood education sector representatives welcomed the launch of Pathways to the Future: Nga Huarahi Arataki - a 10 Year Strategic Plan for ECE.
Rose Cole, CEO of Te Tari Puna Ora O Aotearoa/NZ Childcare Association, congratulated the Minister of Education, Ministry of Education staff, and colleagues, for producing a plan that clearly states positive directions for the sector in the next 10 years.
"The plan's goals of increasing participation, improving quality, and promoting collaboration in early childhood education are visionary, and will place us as world leaders" said Mrs. Cole.
"The plan provides for quality improvements related to increased numbers and levels of trained teachers in education and care (childcare) services" said Mrs Cole.
"The early childhood education sector will be collaborating and supporting the Ministry of Education to ensure that the plan will be fully and positively implemented."
"We a disappointed that a small group of private early childhood providers, who were included at all stages of the planning process, have made derogatory and misleading statements in the media, which attempt to undermine the strategic plan".
"Families in New Zealand may rest assured that Te Tari Puna Ora O Aotearoa/NZ Childcare Association, along with the majority of the early childhood sector strongly support the strategic plan, and look forward to being part of it's successful implementation".