Medical Students Commend Fee Freeze
Media Release
9th October 2002
Medical Students
Commend Fee Freeze
Still a long way to go...
The New Zealand Medical Students’ Association (NZMSA) is today commending the University of Otago and the University of Auckland for accepting the government’s fee freeze.
“The universities at Auckland and Otago house New Zealand’s medical schools where fees are already nearly $10 000. It is students who ultimately suffer in disputes over funding, and any further increases in fees would have had a significant impact on students,” said NZMSA President Cindy Towns.
The NZMSA however, believes there is still much work to be done on making medical education affordable. “Fee freezes are not enough; they simply maintain the status quo,” said Ms Towns. “Medical students already owe $47 million dollars, have average debts of over $60 000 and 62.4% plan on leaving the country within two years of graduating,” said NZMSA President Cindy Towns.
“Mr Maharey has stated that changes to the loan scheme need to focus on graduates with big debts,” said Ms Towns. “If they are serious about making these changes then the government must significantly increase the Trainee Intern Grant and make student allowances universal,” says Ms Towns. “The government must make a greater investment in medical education or New Zealand will continue to lose our young doctors,” said Ms Towns.
For further information
please contact:
Cindy Towns,
President, New Zealand
Medical Students’ Association (NZMSA)
Office: 03 479 7326
Cell: 027 2222417 Home: 03 479 2985