NZUSA Presidents Elected For 2003
NZUSA Presidents Elected For 2003
The New Zealand University Students’ Association (NZUSA) elected) elected its 2003 Co-Presidents and National Women’s Rights Officer today.
Fleur Fitzsimons (currently Victoria University Wellington Students’ Association President), and Rosamond Connelly (currently Otago University Students’ Association President) were elected as Co-Presidents and Victoria University student Camilla Belich was elected National Women’s Rights Officer.
All three bring extensive experience of youth and student movements to NZUSA and will be a formidable force for students in the coming year.
“It’s really great to have been elected and I am looking forward to next year. Student debt is still a major issue, and a key focus for next year will be lobbying the government to increase access to student allowances,” said Connelly.
“I am really pleased to have been elected NZUSA Co-President. In 2003, NZUSA will be pushing the government to address the student loan crisis in a meaningful way and ensure that access to allowances is increased”, said Fitzsimons.
Fitzsimons, Connelly and Belich will take up their positions from January 1 2003.