Education Forum Update 8 May, 2003
Education Forum Update 8 May, 2003
Welcome to the Education Forum Update, a regular round-up of all that is new at the Education Forum and its website.
Visit our home page ( for links to the following recently added items:
Congratulations: Well done to Tahunanui kindergarten in Nelson for winning our hp psc950 printer/scanner/fax/copier competition.
Briefing paper: No.9, Education modernisation and school choice, by Andrew J Rotherham, director of the 21st Century Schools Project at the Progressive Policy Institute, a 'third way' public policy institute based in Washington DC.
Press releases: In our latest media releases, we argue that the $167 million in announced for extra teachers would be better spent improving teacher quality and that the Arorangi School situation highlights the need for school reform.
Quick fact: We look at the impact of trade in education services on the global and New Zealand economies.
OpEd: Issue 38, Small is beautiful? Reflections on the class size debate, by Jennifer Buckingham, Policy Analyst, The Centre for Independent Studies.
Hot topic: School choice policies are a reality in a wide range of countries. In some cases, school choice is a new phenomenon and in others it has been a feature of the education landscape for many years. We look at how it has been implemented around the world.
Both sides now: Dave Guerin from Education Directions argues that the GATS is good for New Zealand education, while Association of University Staff president Bill Rosenberg puts the case against the GATS (first published in the New Zealand Education Review).
The latest in education news: Links to overseas and domestic stories including: school choice in Washington; media giant takes over UK exam marking; private universities needed in UK, economist argues.
And, don't forget, Subtext, our in-depth newsletter for education policy news and critiques can be accessed and read online at our website.