Support document useful basis for consultation
Student support document useful basis for consultation
Student support review document provides useful basis for consultation The government's student support review consultation document, while not providing many clues as to the policy road ahead, does provide a useful basis for consultation, according to Education Forum policy advisor Norman LaRocque.
A particular strength of the report is that it provides a considerable amount of useful context and background information that will allow for more informed debate on these important issues, said Mr LaRocque.
"The student loan and student allowance schemes have served hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders well since the early 1990s. Recent changes to the loan scheme have moved us backward. It is important that these changes be re-assessed and any further changes to student support schemes be based on sound argument and evidence.
government is right to ignore the student loan hype and
scaremongering by groups such as the New Zealand University
Students' Association. A slower but better informed and more
rigorous review of student support is more likely to lead to
reforms that are sustainable and in the national interest,"
Mr LaRocque said. An Education Forum online hot topic and
resource on student loans is at