Olives we pick - Against atrocities we shout
Olives we pick - Against atrocities we shout
Please, write in your agenda / áá÷ùä, øùíå áìåç äæîéí ùìëí ùáú äáàä, 23.10 – âéåñ îñéáé ìîñé÷
Saturday, October 23, mass mobilization for helping at least one whole village to get all the remaining olives off the trees in the little time allowed to them - by OUR army. Details will follow in the coming days.
For helping in smaller groups on weekdays, contact: Rabbi Arik Ascherman:050-5607034 or: Yakov Manor:050-5733276 ìîñé÷ áéîéí ðåñôéí úèìôðå éò÷åá îðåø 050-5733276 / øá àøé÷ 050-5607034
Follows, this week's ad in Ha'aretz (Oct. 15)
òáøéú àçøé àðâìéú
A company commander of the Giv'ati brigade approached the body of a 13 year old girl, who was already hit by a dozen bullets, and shot her twice in order to "assure killing". After leaving her, he went up to her again and hit her with another burst.
How to call such a person?
How to call the Chief-of-Staff who did not kick him out of the army within hours, and who needed several days in order to "suspend" him from his command?
--------------- In face of the attacks by the
settlers, we shall come to the aid of the Palestinian
villagers in order to enable them to pick their olives in
the few days the army is allowing them to do so. The Gush
is organizing a big action for next Saturday, October 23.
Details on the Gush answering machine and in next week's
ad. --------------- For how to donate to help us shout loud,
see end of mail Look also into < [NB: If you get the following as
gibberish change to a Hebrew font or copy the text into
îô÷ã-ôìåâä á"âáòúé" ðéâù ìéìãä áú 13, ùâåôä ëáø ðå÷á áúøéñø
ëãåøéí, åéøä áä ùúé éøéåú î÷øåá ì"åéãåà äøéâä". àçøé
ùäúøç÷, äú÷øá àìéä
ùðéú åéøä áä öøåø ðåñó .
àéê éé÷øà àãí ëæä ?
àéê éé÷øà øîèë"ì, ùìà äòéó àåúå áå áéåí îöä"ì, åùäéå ãøåùéí
ìå ëîä éîéí ëãé "ìäùòåú" àåúå îúô÷éãå ?
--------- îåì äúðëìåú äîúðçìéí, ðúâééñ ìòæåø ìëôøéí
äôìñèéðééí ìîñå÷ àú äæéúéí áéîéí äîòèéí ùä÷öéá ìäí äöáà.
äâåù îàøâï ôòåìä âãåìä áùáú äáàä, 23.10.
ôøèéí áîùéáåï äâåù åáîåãòä äáàä .
03-5221732 òæøå ìðå
áîéîåï äôòåìåú åäîåãòåú
áö'÷éí ìâåù ùìåí, ú"ã 3322
úì-àáéá 61033 . < [NB: this item is
especiallyinteresting for who reads German, but not
only] The photo exhibition "Fence or Wall" of Eyal Ofer
in the Tel-Aviv Cinemateque a year ago and sponsored by
Gush Shalom, led to a book. Several chapters and photos
available on site - comments written by Uri Avnery, Freimut
Duve, Manuela Dviri, and Ofer Eyal himself - published by
Abraham Melzer Verlag Germany http://www.kultur-fibel-magazin.de/Kultur%20Fibel%20Buch,%20Avnery,%20Die%20Mauer_1_Israel_Pal%E4stina.htm
In order to get English, the Google translator
machine is really bad, but.. the photos remain as good. All
you have to do, glue together the following long url: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.kultur-
Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG # Read about the "Asylum for
Mordechai Vanunu in Ireland" campaign http://www.indymedia.ie/newswire.php?story_id=66917
# The Hijacked Agenda - dilemmas of the peace
movement in times of crisis Read about it in the lead
article of THE OTHER ISRAEL September issue: http://otherisrael.home.igc.org/ed.html