4,400 Students affected by Govt. unlawful actions
4,400 Students affected by Government unlawful actions
“Students from Unitec welcome Unitec’s actions to file legal proceedings against the Government”, said the Unitec Student Union (USU) President Robert Freeth.
“The USU estimates as much as 4,400 students have been affected by the Governments recklessness during Unitec’s 5 year process,” said Freeth.
“The 3.5 million dollars being claimed by Unitec is nothing in comparison to the excessive amounts of money from students that may have benefited from the added value of a University qualification,” said Freeth.
“Students and employers perceive Universities as offering something more in their programmes resulting in students at Unitec missing an important market advantage for years,” said Freeth. “Students from west Auckland are specifically disappointed in the Labour party for failing to offer due process to a traditionally loyal group.” Freeth warned, “it is likely to become a major election issue for students in the electorate during an important year for Labour.”
“The period of time taken to reach this point is all the more concerning in an environment of $7 billion of student debt which is climbing at estimated $ 56,000 in interest per hour,” said Freeth. “Whist the Government thinks it has all the time in the world it shows a major inability to resolve the issues for students.”
“I hope that there is a fast resolution to the high court proceedings and that Unitec’s University application will finally be subject to due process, which is at the very heart of what Universities are about,” said Freeth.