Industry Training meets industry skill needs
Industry Training Organisations and Polytechnics meet industry skill needs
27 July 2006
"In order to meet the skill needs of industry in such a fast-changing environment, tertiary education organisations need to develop ways of working together more effectively", said Darel Hall Executive Director of the Industry Training Federation.
"The ITF is proud to launch a report at its conference today that addresses the relationship between Industry Training Organisations and Institutes of Technology/Polytechnics, highlighting examples of effective working relationships that build on the respective strengths of each.
"This report is called 'Getting on with the business: Good Practice between Industry Training Organisations and Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics'.
"The report acknowledges key points of tension and seeks to distil the understanding of those tension points. It shows how creativity and innovation in relationships for better delivery is taking place - cases where we are getting on with the business of meeting the skill needs of industry.
"This report suggests that the better approach for government to take if it wishes to enhance creativity and innovation is to get the incentives and broad policy infrastructure right. The relationships discussed in this publication show there is more value to be derived from increasing the flexibility in the tertiary education system.
One key barrier is the lack of clarity about what funding can and cannot be used for: when in doubt, it is less risky for government to say no than yes. We need to be in a position where the risk to business of not saying yes is the greater consideration.
"The ITF thanks the Industry Training Organisations and Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics that contributed to this report and to the ongoing discussion about how we get on with the business of meeting the skill needs of industry", said Darel Hall.