Use Surplus For Quality Tertiary Education
11 October 2006
Use Surplus For Quality Tertiary Education
With the Government poised to announce a record surplus, students are calling on Labour to invest the money in quality public tertiary education, rather than frittering it away on tax cuts.
“Tax cuts won’t pay for a quality public tertiary education system,” said Conor Roberts, Co-president of the New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations (NZUSA).
“At the same time when the Government is set to post a record $11 billion surplus, Massey University students are facing a 10% fee increase, two thirds of students don’t have access to a student living allowance, our struggling tertiary institutions are underfunded and the quality of our tertiary education is suffering.”
“It is disappointing that Labour, who fought the last election on investing in public services, looks set to give in to tax cut hype at a time when they should be investing in our future.”
“It is also a shame that the media is so ready to promote tax cuts as the only outcome of having a surplus when they could be looking at other more productive and positive ways of utilising the social surplus.”
“This is the perfect opportunity to invest in public tertiary education. The Government should use the surplus to create a world class quality tertiary education system, where all students are supported with a living allowance while they study and the burden of fees is alleviated,” concluded Mr Roberts.