Hands Up to Nominate Top Kiwi Teachers and Leaders
Media Release
23 April 2007
Hands Up to Nominate Top Kiwi Teachers and Leaders
Hands up if you want to
acknowledge a great teacher or leader
in your school
Parents and secondary school students can recognise top teachers and leaders in their school community as nominations are now open for the 2007-2008 round of the National Excellence in Teaching and Leadership Awards.
The NEiTA Foundation awards, introduced to New Zealand 11 years ago, now include a category for leadership as well as teaching excellence.
Terry O’Connell, chairman of the NEiTA Foundation, says the addition of leadership to the awards shows the importance this attribute plays in inspiring and leading others to achieve outstanding results.
“Honouring dedicated and inspiring teachers and leaders promotes teaching excellence, encourages best practice in learning environments and affords communities across New Zealand the opportunity to publicly express their gratitude to the men and women who make teaching our children not just a career, but their life’s calling,” says Mr O’Connell.
Over 2,500 early childhood education, primary, intermediate and secondary school teachers have been nominated for the awards over the last decade.
The NEiTA awards are jointly sponsored by ASG Education Programs New ZealandTM, a not-for-profit organisation which operates trans-Tasman assisting parents to plan for their children’s future education, and Multi Serve Education Trust, which for 18 years has provided a wide range of support services to schools and other education sector clients.
All teachers/leaders nominated receive a Certificate of Nomination, with 20 area representatives selected to go forward to receive Regional Awards for Teaching and Leadership in Wellington next May (2008). From these, ten teachers/leaders will receive National Awards at their schools or centres later next year.
All ten national awardees will receive professional development grants. Two $5,000 and three $2,500 grants each will be made for excellence in teaching and for excellence in leadership.
Mr O’Connell says the involvement of Multi Serve Education Trust has enhanced the awards by increasing the sponsorship funding and thus trebling the number of professional development grants, so all national recipients are able to receive grants.
Although nominations are open until 28 September 2007, Mr O’Connell encourages parents and secondary school students to get nominations in quickly.
Nomination forms can be completed online or forms can be downloaded from the NEiTA website www.neita.com. Forms are also available at schools and early childhood education centres nationwide, or can be obtained by contacting the NEiTA Foundation on 09 308 0576 or email mventer[at]asg.co.nz