Otago Students "not all couch burners"
OUSA Student of the Month award: “Because we’re not
all couch burners”
The Otago University Students’ Association (OUSA) is set to launch a new Student of the Month award, which will recognise and highlight positive student behaviour. The award was conceived by OUSA Sciences Divisional Representative Tania Cumming in response to ongoing criticism of Otago University students. OUSA Student of the Month will be aimed at students who demonstrate a combination of outstanding academic achievement and a high level of community involvement.
Nominations open on Monday the 28th of May 2007. The judging panel will consist of OUSA President Renee Heal, Mayor Peter Chin, ODT Editor Murray Kirkness, and OUSA executive members Tania Cumming and Simon Wilson. The first Student of the Month will be named in July, the award will be issued every month until the end of second semester.
Prospective student of the month winners may nominate themselves, or they may be nominated by any other student or member of the wider public. Nominations can be submitted electronically to studentofthemonth@ousa.org.nz, or paper nominations may be collected from and submitted to OUSA reception.
Winners will receive a certificate and “kick ass” prize pack, which OUSA are currently finalising.