Students speak out about fee increases
Students speak out about fee increases
Massey University Students’ Association (MUSA) is organising an opportunity for students to get vocal about an inevitable 5% increase in undergraduate tuition fees. On Friday the 5th of October from 10.30am students will gather outside the Registry building at Massey University’s Turitea Campus and question the University.
“Students are sick and tired due to endless fee increases;” says MUSA President Paul Falloon “Student fees at Massey are continually increasing well above inflation while government funding barely keeps up. Students are fed up with being told to bear the brunt of this.”
5% is the maximum increase Massey University can apply under the fee maxima scheme. Last year Massey was granted an exemption to the policy by the TEC and increased fees by 10%. It is expected that Massey will not seek another exemption this year but go for the maximum 5%.
“Massey clams they are disadvantaged because they have much lower fees than other New Zealand Universities. This combined with inadequate Government funding is the core of the issue,” says Falloon “While we understand and sympathise with that, the solution must come from Government and not debt burdened students’ pockets.”
MUSA is inviting local MPs to the event, as well as University officials, to hear and respond to students’ concerns about fees. There will be music, a free BBQ and everyone is welcome.