Leaked Allegations Were From Internal Review
Leaked Allegations Were From Internal Review
Chair for
the Kohanga Reo National Trust Board Dr Tīmoti Karetu says
allegations leaked in a confidential report today to the
media was an internal review undertaken late last year
looking at ways of improving best management practice within
head office only.
Dr Karetu says the board supported the internal review to better improve the way management carry out their responsibilities.
“We are no different from any other organisation that has reponsibilities towards our kohanga whanau, clients and stakeholders. We have 492 kohanga reo, Maori language development centres around the country that we are responsible for and the board is commited to improving the quality of what we do and how we do it.“
Dr Karetu says while the review highlighted alot
of issues of concern to the board, we see this as an
opportunity for further development and to get things right.
“It’s healthy for organisations to carry out
internal reviews and sometimes you will not always like what
you find. Restructuring the organisation in both national
and regional offices we see as the first step towards
addressing the concerns in the report highlighted by staff.
Furthermore, as a consequence of the report, the board
has been on the road for the last six weeks travelling with
our new CEO Titoki Black meeting with our kohanga reo
whanau, listening to the concerns they have and their future
aspirations for the kohanga reo movement.”
He says the
scheduled meetings seeking input from the kohanga whanau
will provide the board with a framework to set a new
strategic vision for the future which will replace the
board’s current strategy.
We are now nearing the end of that journey having met with twelve regions with two remaining.