Otago University and its Students Friends Again
Otago University and its Students Friends
The Otago University Students
Association Executive has resolved to withdraw the Appeal of
the High Court Judicial Review of the University’s Code of
Conduct at an Executive meeting on Tuesday night. The Notice
of Abandonment was filed yesterday.
OUSA President Harriet Geoghegan said that the decision was made after the Executive considered the costs of the appeal – both financial and in terms of relations with the University.
“The ongoing disagreement between the University and the Students’ Association has been a real cause of tension and has severely impacted our ability to make progress on issues that affect both the University and the Students. With the proposed changes to the Tertiary Education Sector we need to work together now more than ever.”
The Students’ Association challenged the legality of the University’s Code of Student Conduct in 2009. Justice Gendall ruled that the code could legally cover off-campus conduct which impacted on the University's standing and reputation.
Geoghegan said that while technically the Association ‘lost’ the Judicial Review, it was very important to clarify where and how the Code applied, so students knew what conduct was covered and what legal consequences they would face. Furthermore, the Association questioned the legality of the University excluding students from Appeals Board hearings on Code of conduct cases
“The crucial outcome we are looking for is
that students are welcomed back to sit on the Appeals Board
so students are fairly represented. We are working with the
University to settle this without having to go through the
court system.”
The appeal was lodged at the end of 2009
by the 2009 Executive in order to keep the window open to
later make the decision on whether or not to