Radio broadcaster turns to environmental studies
Radio broadcaster turns to environmental studies at NorthTec to further career
Trained radio broadcaster Bryan La Trobe, or ‘Bolta’ as he is known, turned to the Environmental Studies programme at NorthTec last year to further his career options in the north. “It’s set me up for what I’m trying to do now. It’s a hands-on programme and gaining that knowledge in the field has given me the base learning I need to take my studies to the next level.”
Bolta is currently studying for a Certificate in Conservation and Environmental Management at NorthTec and is working part-time for Greenpeace as part of their community leaders fundraising program for the area from Whangarei north.
“I wanted to back up how I already felt about the environment with some concrete information and experience. I’d made the commitment to become more sustainable and wanted a knowledge base to support the changes I was making personally and at home. I was finding it hard to get work in broadcasting and studying with NorthTec was a great way to find a new direction and create different work opportunities for myself.”
Bolta said one of the great things about the NorthTec Environmental Studies programme is that it opens up a wide range of options. “You cover so many things that the world’s your oyster. You can go into work or further study.”
The course has set him up well for his current work with Greenpeace. “I now know what I’m talking about and when people want to discuss environmental issues with me I can respond in an informed way.”
He was even able to overcome some of his fears while doing some of the Environmental Studies fieldwork. “The people on the Environmental Studies programme made it a great course to do. I’d love to come back and do it again to take advantage of more of the opportunities that were on offer.”
There are still places available on the Environmental Studies programme in semester two at NorthTec. Phone NorthTec on 0800 162 100 for more information.
NorthTec is the Tai Tokerau (Northland) region's largest provider of tertiary education, with campuses and learning centres in Whangarei, Kerikeri, Rāwene, Dargaville, Kaikohe and Kaitaia. NorthTec also has over 60 community-based delivery points from Coatesville in rural Rodney to Ngataki in the Far North.