Primary School Becomes First in NZ to Wear a Green roof
Remarkables Primary School Press Release
Primary School Becomes First in New
Zealand to Wear a Green Roof
A New Zealand green roof company has put a small Queenstown Primary School on the international map by becoming the first school in New Zealand to wear a ‘green roof’.
Remarkables Primary School, a newly built enviro school, is one of a handful of schools throughout the world who can boast a green roof, which doubles as an outdoor classroom.
The green roof, which was planted and designed by Auckland-based Greenroofs Ltd was included as part of the original construction of the school, by architect Babbage Consultants.
Greenroofs Ltd designed the school’s green roof with multiple tasks in mind.
As well as reducing stormwater runoff and providing insulation to the school, the roof provides much-needed further outdoor space. The school site is approximately half the size of a typical NZ primary school site so the need to utilise the space to the best of its potential was paramount. This green roof enables the children to have a further outdoor learning and playing space.
The school’s green roof will be seen and utilised by children, parents and teachers every day as they walk into the school through its unique entrance way, over the roof.
The school is set in a valley and overlooked by neighbouring houses so its green roof is not only aesthetically pleasing but helps merge the building into the landscape not-to-mention helping absorb the aircraft noise from the nearby airport.
Greenroofs Ltd Director Will Thorne is thrilled with the final roof. “Not only is this school the first of its kind here in New Zealand, but I am proud of how it will be used to educate future generations on sustainability. I hope that this green roof is the first of many here in our clean, green country.”
Indeed, this is something that Headmistress, Deborah Dickson is most proud of: “Not only will our green roof enable our children to have a further outdoor learning space, but, as an Enviro School we plan to use the roof as a tool to educate and promote sustainable practice through the paper 4 trees programme, composting, gardens and worm farm.” Produced by Jacqueline Lockington Photographs available on request
Green roofs have grown hugely worldwide in the last few years. They are seen as having significant effects on minimising pollution, reducing infrastructure requirements in cities, especially stormwater, encouraging wildlife as well as huge energy cost savings. Some of the more famous green roofs include the Vancouver Trade Centre and the California Academy of Sciences. They are now starting to become more popular in New Zealand as our country realises the benefits.