Show that teachers count
Media Release
2 May 2011
Show that teachers count
Your chance to
nominate the outstanding teachers and
in your school
It’s nomination time for parents and secondary school students as they consider the outstanding teachers and leaders in their school or centre who positively influence learning and performance.
Nominations have opened for the 2011-2012 round of the National Excellence in Teaching and Leadership Awards, with the theme, Teachers Count.
Terry O’Connell, chairman of the NEiTA Foundation, says the awards programme acknowledges the profound impact outstanding teachers have on our students, our community, our education system and ultimately our country.
“We’ve long recognised that outside the family home, a teacher is the greatest influence on a student’s learning and performance.
“For 15 years NEiTA – with the support of ASG Education Programs New Zealand and Cognition Education Trust – has helped pioneer teaching awards as a way of acknowledging the important work of teachers within the community. During this time over 3,000 early childhood education, primary, intermediate and secondary school teachers have been nominated for awards. These teachers continue to positively contribute to the reputation of the profession, said Mr O’Connell.”
Mr O’Connell urged school and early childhood communities to demonstrate how much Teachers Count by nominating a teacher or leader from their school or early childhood centre for an ASG Excellence in Teaching Award or a Cognition Excellence in Leadership Award.
Nominations are open until 31 August 2011. Forms can be downloaded from the NEiTA website and are also available at schools and early childhood education centres nationwide, libraries, or can be obtained by contacting the NEiTA Foundation on 09 308 0576 or email
The NEiTA awards are jointly sponsored by ASG Education Programs New Zealand TM, a not-for-profit organisation which operates trans-Tasman assisting parents to plan for their children’s future education, and Cognition Education, a provider of a wide range of support, services and consultation provisions to schools and education sector clients in New Zealand and internationally.
All teachers and leaders nominated
receive a Certificate of Nomination, with 20 area
representatives selected to go forward to receive Regional
Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Leadership in
Wellington during May 2012. From these, ten
teachers/leaders will go on to receive National Awards at
their schools or centres later in the year.
awardees will receive professional development grants from a
pool totaling $35,000. Two $5,000 and three $2,500 grants
will each be made for excellence in teaching and for
excellence in