Teachers and parents urged to have their say on ECE future
15th June 2011
NZEI urges teachers and parents to have their say on future of ECE
The education sector union NZEI Te Riu Roa is urging teachers and parents to have their say on a report which is likely to serve as the government’s blueprint for the future of early childhood education.
The government has announced an eight-week consultation on the recently-released Early Childhood Education Taskforce report.
The report identifies quality early childhood education as one of the most important investments that a country can make and recommends that investment be prioritised even in times of fiscal constraint.
“We are pleased to see a report which recommends a radical u-turn in government policy and supports 100% qualified teachers, low adult-child ratios and small group sizes as measures that will really make a difference for our children,” says NZEI National Executive member Hayley Whitaker.
“Parents should be very concerned however by recommendations which would see the universal 20 Hours ECE policy watered down and the introduction of a market driven model of pay for teachers.”
These are out of step with the rest of the report and would have a negative impact on both the cost and quality of ECE.
“Given this document is likely to pave the way for the future of early childhood education in New Zealand for some time to come, NZEI is urging as many people as possible take part and share their views on what represents quality education and care for our youngest children,” says Ms Whitaker.