Major Hui for Māori Educators in Whanganui
July 14, 2011
Major Hui for Māori Educators in Whanganui
Over 180 Māori educators will gather in Whanganui this weekend for a four-day hui. (July 16-19)
Now in its 21st year Te Kahui Whetu, the annual hui of Te Reo Areare – the Maori Council of the education sector union NZEI Te Riu Roa - will be attended by principals, teachers, support staff, early childhood, special needs and area school teachers.
The hui will be held at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori O Tupoho, starting with a powhiri at 11am on Saturday July 16 and finishing with a poroporoaki on Tuesday July 19.
NZEI Matua Takawaenga Laures Park says a key focus for the hui is: “Whakahau, Whakamana, Whakahihi – what we’re doing now, which is great, and what we will do in the future, which is to move our teaching from great to excellent.”
Other key sessions will focus on Tuku Taonga, honouring the past contributions to education from: Archie Tairoa, John Tahuparae, Henry Bennett, Nanny Maki and Auntie Uru.
Training of organisers for election 2011, an up-date on the Early Childhood Taskforce and the launch of a new degree course in early childhood teaching Ki Taiao for Kohunga Reo Kaimahi will also be part of the programme. The 18-month on-line course, which is being run from Waikato University will enable its 20 students to short-circuit a three-year degree course by cross-crediting nine of 20 papers through “prior-learning” provisions.
On Sunday night at 7.30pm the hui will host a “Poli Panel” including Catherine Delahunty (Greens), John Boscawen (ACT), Chester Borrows (National), Kelvin Davis (Labour), Te Ururoa Flavell (Maori), and Annette Sykes from the Mana Party.