Strike today at Christchurch Polytechnic
Strike today at Christchurch Polytechnic
TEU members at Christchurch Polytechnic and Institute of Technology (CPIT) are taking strike action today. They are protesting about their employer not responding to TEU offers to settle the current bargaining. The polytechnic continues to want control over some of the staff's leave entitlements, as well as wanting them to work more duty hours.TEU has tried to offer compromises about professional development opportunities, but without success so far.
TEU members will be on strike today, Thursday 25 August, from 10:30am – 1:30pm. Many will be gathering at Sullivan Ave Campus during the strike.
"Part of TEU members' frustration is around the employer also not engaging in a timely manner to attempt to conclude the bargaining," said TEU organiser Phil Dodds.
"We have worked very hard to advance the negotiations. We have been prepared to meet at a moment’s notice. We have offered a variety of compromises to CPIT. Whilst there are some indications of progress, CPIT has not moved in any meaningful way from the position that caused the first strike three weeks ago," said Mr Dodds.