CPIT defers decision on CircoArts
CPIT defers decision on CircoArts
After much consideration, CPIT has
decided not to run its Circo Arts programme in 2013. The
institution will re-evaluate the situation next year for
delivery of the programme in 2014.
CPIT has made this decision due to the effects of the Christchurch earthquakes on the programme’s specialist facilities. More time is required to re-establish Circo Art’s structure, staffing and facilities in order for it to run effectively and to the high standards required of the programme.
CPIT’s Circo Arts programme is highly regarded by the profession and much loved by the community. It has been offered at CPIT from 1996 until the 22 February 2012 earthquake affected the Circo Arts building on the Madras St campus.
"We are saddened to have to make this decision," says acting Head of CPIT's Creative Industries Tom Rainey. "However under the circumstances it is not possible to get up and running for 2013. We remain as committed as ever to providing the right environment and structure for Circo Arts to flourish once again."
CPIT’s Circo Arts developed in conjunction with other highly reputable performing and musical arts at CPIT’s National Academy of Singing and Dramatic Art (NASDA) and the CPIT Jazz School. Prior to the earthquakes Circo Arts had been developed into a three year degree programme, ready for delivery in 2012, which extended Circo Arts unique combination of teaching creative skills for devising characters and context along with the physical skills of circus.
Those wishing to continue study and training in the circus arts and physical theatre can contact community groups such as the Christchurch Circus Trust. Operating from the Christchurch Circus Centre at 276 Wilsons Road, this group has been formed by members of the Christchurch circus community including Circo Arts graduates and staff. They offer part time courses for children, youth and adults and can be contacted at circustrust@gmail.com or 022 024 9719.