A Public Meeting on Charter Schools
A Public Meeting on Charter Schools
hosted by Victoria University of
Wellington School of Government and Faculty of
in partnership with The New Zealand
Initiative and supported by the Aotearoa
in lecture theatre 4, Victoria
University Law School
on Tuesday 25 September at
5:45 pm with
Dr Mike Feinberg
Co-Founder, Knowledge is Power Program
Professor Dugald Scott, Pro
Vice-Chancellor Education, Victoria University
Please register by clicking
Can charter schools make a
difference and is there a place for them in New
Partnership Schools/Kura Hourua – known internationally as charter schools – are one of the Government’s initiatives aimed at addressing student underachievement. As a relatively late adopter of the concept, New Zealand has the advantage of being able to learn from the successes and failures of models in other parts of the world.
Join us for a discussion on what KIPP, a US network of 125 high-performing charter schools, has been able to deliver in terms of educational achievement and new ways for parents and communities to be involved in their children’s education.
KIPP serves nearly 40,000 students across 20 US states. More than 85% of students are from low-income families, 95% are Afro-American or Latino/Hispanic, 14% are English language learners, and 9% receive special education services. Over 90% of KIPP middle school students go on to graduate from high school, and over 85% of KIPP alumni go on to university/tertiary education.
Dr Feinberg co-founded KIPP, is currently Executive Vice-Chair of KIPP Houston, and serves on the board of KIPP Foundation. He has won numerous awards for educational excellence and public service/social entrepreneurship.
Dr Feinberg’s visit to New Zealand is being made
possible by the Aotearoa Foundation.