Good progress with end of year reports
Media Release
20 November 2012
Good progress with end of year reports
The Ministry of Education says more than 800 schools have completed end of year reports and calls are continuing to other schools to see if they need further assistance.
Group Manager, Rebecca Elvy, says a specialist team has been calling schools to provide them with any extra help they might need before the reports are due tomorrow.
“We’ve been able to identify issues and then work through them with schools to make sure we are firmly on track to get all Christmas pays through.
“The Novopay system is working, but because it’s new we always expected there would be some issues for schools the first time they used it to do end of year reports.
“We already had 818 completed reports in by midday, and past years have told us the bulk of them always come through fairly close to the deadline.”
Ms Elvy says there will continue to be dedicated support in place as others schools complete their reports.
“Both the Ministry and Talent2 have put a lot of additional resource to this because we’re committed to getting it right for the staff whose Christmas pay hinges on these particular reports.
“We’re also continuing to do a lot of work on other issues related to Novopay so that it becomes the fully effective and efficient pay system schools and their staff expect.”