Northland College: huge improvements in NCEA achievement
16 April 2014
Northland College: huge improvements in NCEA achievement cap off term 1, 2014
The last day of term 1 is worth celebrating for Northland College as success in NCEA levels one and two increased in 2013. On Thursday April 17, the Police sound stage truck will entertain and help students celebrate their success during their lunch break while nurturing their performing spirit with a Northland College Idol theme.
Recently released figures show a 23% increase in NCEA level 1 success, and a similar increase in success for NCEA level 2 for 2013.
Attendance figures for 2013 show a strong trend in increasing attendance that has continued into 2014 with off-site truancy dropping to around 5% for Term One.
Hard work by staff at Northland College along with the Kaikohe Social Sector Trial has contributed to this success. Led by Te Pae Aronga Taitamariki, the Kaikohe Social Sector Trial is about local solutions and tailoring responses to communities through the Kaikohe Youth Action Plan which records 46 initiatives to be delivered by July 2015.
"I'm extremely proud of staff and students who worked hard against the odds last year to make an almost 25% increase in NCEA results in level 1, 2 and university entrance. Obviously we aim to get even better results this year by closer working relations with students and their whanau. Being involved with the Social Sector Trials has given us an opportunity to better liaise with our local providers and forge stronger relationships and better outcomes for our tamariki.
Our Kaumatua are very clear in guiding us to produce young Ngapuhi leaders of the future and we are determined to lift the capacity of Northland College to ensure we do just that. Rebuilding is a demanding job, but with pono and kaha we continue to climb our own maunga." Jim Luders, Northland College Principal.
Four of these initiatives have already been delivered directly at Northland College. They include anti-bullying mentoring delivered by Te Hau Ora o Kaikohe in 2013, support to establish re-engagement plans with disengaged students, the establishment of a re-integration educational facility for year 9 and 10 students who are disengaged, and a new mentoring service which started this month and focuses on year 9 students who are at risk of disengaging. The new mentoring program will be delivered by Te Kotahitanga E Mahi Kaha Trust, and trust Chairman Phil Marsh will be visiting the school tomorrow to be part of the end of term celebrations.
Action Plan Project Manager Brennan Rigby says the focus of the new mentoring program being on students at risk of disengaging reflects a wide spread determination to get ahead of youth dynamics in Kaikohe.
"With the new mentoring program the service target is firmly at the top of the cliff. We are directing resources toward supporting and nurturing students to remain engaged, not picking them up once they are dis-engaged."
"The behaviour of students often reflects background circumstances, like moving house for example, or other challenging or negative influences. By identifying these young people early we can support them in education more successfully."
Led by police, the celebrations also touch on a different Action Plan kaupapa. Through the Social Sector Trials the Police have committed to work with schools/community to foster good relations, break down barriers and spread positive messages.
About Te Pae
Aronga Taitamariki
Te Pae Aronga Taitamariki is a
tripartite joint venture formed in 2012 comprised of
Otāngarei Trust based in Whangarei, Ngāpuhi Iwi Social
Services based out of Kaikohe and Youth Horizons based in
Auckland. The joint venture was established to formalise a
working relationship between the three parties to share
clinical, cultural and local expertise, knowledge and
experience, ensuring the best outcomes for the children and
young people of the Northland/Te Tai Tokerau region.
The focus of Te Pae Aronga Taitamariki is the provision of clinically and culturally appropriate interventions for children and young people in Northland who are at risk of, or who have behavioural, emotional and mental health problems.
Otāngarei Trust
Otāngarei Trust
provides structured youth programmes, family support, and
family budgeting services.
Ngāpuhi Iwi Social
Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services is a subsidiary
of Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-O-Ngāpuhi that provides programmes
and skilled workers who support the social development and
communities of Ngāpuhi.
Youth Horizons/Kia
Youth Horizons/Kia Puāwai is a national
specialist NGO providing services for Taitamariki with
significant conduct issues and their families/whānau.
For the full Kaikohe Youth Action Plan please visit: