Why we need to change the way we talk about poverty
Max Rashbrooke - Why we need to change the way we talk about poverty and inequality
I would like to invite you to hear Max Rashbrooke discuss the above topic at 5:30pm on Monday August 24 at Connolly Hall, Guildford Terrace, Wellington.
Max has recently been in the UK and reports that he has returned "buzzing with ideas." What he was looking at there was the question of how we talk about poverty and inequality: why the things we say don't reach all of the public, and what to do about that. He will discuss 'Why we need to change the way we talk about poverty and inequality', or put another way, 'Poverty and inequality: how do we reach the people who aren't listening?'
I am currently in the UK and am finding the discussion and debate around the leadership of the Labour Party fascinating. Mary and I were among 1500 people to hear Jeremy Corbyn in Camden a week ago, and while it is early days he has certainly changed the discourse here.
Max's discussion should be very interesting. All welcome; if you would like to attend please register here. If you know of anyone else who may be interested, please pass this invitation on to them.