Young children with additional needs left out in the cold
Media statement
Young children with additional needs left out in the cold
11 May 2016
For immediate release.
Te Rito Maioha Early Childhood New Zealand (ECNZ) welcomes the Government’s announcement of extra teacher aide funding in the upcoming budget but asks, why are our youngest children being overlooked?
No money was set aside for early childhood in the Minister of Education’s announcement today of a $15.3m injection of funding boost for children with additional needs.
“Waiting until children enter primary school before providing support for children with additional needs is ill-considered,” said John Diggins, Acting Chief Executive at ECNZ.
“Early intervention is critical. Additional funding should be provided for children in early childhood education because it is vital to increasing their chances of reaching their full potential when they enter the school system and beyond.”
Mr Diggins said that failing to provide funding for the early childhood sector showed a lack of respect for early childhood education by government, which is increasingly being recognised as one of the most critical parts of the education system.