New NZEI President’s “to do” list
New NZEI President’s “to do” list
Embargoed to 6am 18 January 2017
NZEI Te Riu Roa’s new President, Lynda Stuart, today (18 January) begins her two-year term leading New Zealand’s largest education union.
As the principal of Mt Roskill’s multicultural May Road School, Ms Stuart is passionate about tackling inequity, and for schools to be properly resourced to respond to their communities’ aspirations for their children.
“As educators, we are absolutely committed to ensuring that every child is able to reach their potential and achieve their dreams, regardless of socio-economic background, special learning needs or any other barrier to success,” she said.
“I believe that all New Zealanders want this too. Our children are the future of the entire country and quality public education must be a funding priority. This will be our focus in the upcoming General Election.
“One of the things that really concerns me is that our education system relies on the political whim or ideology of our politicians and there is the potential for us to swing in different directions with every change of government,” said Ms Stuart.
“In this country, we’re small enough to have a conversation around what we want our education system to look like.”
Ms Stuart’s dream would be for all political parties to agree to a 20-year vision for education, working alongside educators driving the professional knowledge and using good evidence.
“It would mean that whichever political party is in power, that there is a commitment to a shared vision and the direction we’re going in, rather than just having policy that comes in at us from left field. That’s really important to me.”
Ms Stuart has a number of areas she wants to focus on during her two-year term, particularly:
that make a real difference for Maori and Pasifika students
including appropriate resourcing for bilingual units and
resources in schools
Ensure all children are attending
quality ECE services with 100% qualified and registered
A funding ‘jolt’ for the entire education
sector that recognises and compensates for the years of
An effective equity funding scheme for
schools that recognises the increasing inequity in
Additional funding to support an extra 20,000 more
children with special learning needs
Sustainable funding
for schools to employ support staff with fair pay and
security of employment
Ms Stuart has relocated to
Wellington and will return to her role at May Road School at
the conclusion of her two-year