OTNZ-WNA supports more funding for OTs in schools!
OTNZ-WNA supports more funding for OTs in schools!
Occupational Therapy New Zealand - Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa (OTNZ-WNA) supports Labour's proposed policy to introduce more widely the role of occupational therapists into Canterbury and Kaikoura schools. The occupational therapy profession acknowledges such services would benefit students throughout Aotearoa / New Zealand.
The current systems within the school environment does not adequately accommodate education and well-being needs for students.
An occupational therapist supports students at school by working alongside their whanau/family to provide practical, and every day resources to classroom teachers. They are well placed to directly address and assist the current inadequacy of classroom support.
The profession of occupational therapy applauds the proposal of additional funding, which has the potential to break down the health/education, illness/well-being divide.
“It is vital for central government to support school communities to provide preventative, rather than reactive services. We're in a position to address everyday challenges, across a range of ages and needs in a holistic way that have been very limited until now" say co-Presidents of Occupational Therapy New Zealand Whakaora Ngangahau Aotearoa, Harsh Vardhan and Karen Molyneux.
We look forward to policies which enable all students in all school in Aotearoa to develop and flourish.