Let's Get Learning
September 2 2019
More that 200 events are planned for
this week’s celebration of adult learning Ahurei Ākonga.
Organisers of the festival have issued a call to action -
Let’s Get Learning! and during the week they are
showcasing what’s on offer in Aotearoa, whether it’s te
reo, sign language, beekeeping or bike maintenance.
Adult and Community Education (ACE) Aotearoa, lead agency for the community learning sector, is inviting everyone to think about what they would like to learn or to indulge their passion to sing, dance or live sustainably - to fill a skill or knowledge gap or start a conversation about the value of lifelong learning.
The Festival which is a UNESCO initiative celebrated in over forty countries, includes a launch in Hokitika and a huge range of quirky and conventional learning experiences. It will also highlight the achievements of second chance learners through the presentation of more than 300 awards.
Barbershop choirs and workshops on photography, writing, gardening, active citizenship and digital skills will be found in parks, malls, libraries, museums and rest homes. Organisers will also be promoting how lifelong learning stimulates the brain, gets people off the couch, helps them connect, and creates vibrant, sustainable communities.
For event information see the website