Te Kete Hono And Ready 4 Learning Join Forces To Improve Learning Outcomes In New Zealand Schools
Ready 4 Learning and Te Kete Hono have signed a partnership agreement which will see the two bring an integrated offering to New Zealand schools and ECEs.
The two organisations will work together in schools that want both SchoolTalk and the foundational skills resources, progressions and assessments that Ready 4 Learning provides. There will be a discounted price for both, and the Ready 4 Learning progressions and resources will be loaded into SchoolTalk for ease of use by ECE and early entrant teachers.
SchoolTalk Facilitator, Wendy Burne, says she’s excited about what this means for teachers. “We (teachers) will have the ability to capture this information in one place when a child starts school, information that really tells the teacher a lot about if and how a child is ready for the primary school curriculum and what teachers need to do to support learning. I like that this data follows the child seamlessly to the next teacher. and that it comes ready built with resources to help bridge any gaps in readiness.”
Ready 4 Learning framework was developed to help learners arrive at school with the necessary skills for the Primary Curriculum. In-depth studies of current research and best practice led to the development of the framework. Ready 4 Learning now works with facilitators throughout New Zealand to support and develop teaching and learning in the early years.
Andrea Ford, Director of Ready 4 Learning, says “We are excited to team up with such an innovative learning management system as SchoolTalk. This makes for seamless tracking of learner progress with planning and resources to support teachers to meet the needs of all learners. I wish I had this when I was teaching!”
Te Kete Hono is a social impact enterprise set up by Stonefields Collaborative Trust and the Hugh Green Foundation, and committed to a shared vision of “powerful collaboration driving educational improvement and equity for all learners." Their mission is to be a catalyst for educational improvement and equity by turning innovative practice in teaching, learning and assessment into educational systems, products and services that can be impactful at scale. In addition to developing and supporting SchoolTalk, Te Kete Hono offers educational consultancy and professional learning for school leaders and teachers.