Russell People All Fired Up For Kiwi Recovery
Russell Peninsula Kiwi Recovery
Russell People All Fired Up!
Enthusiasm in Russell is getting fired up as people realise the benefits that the Russell Peninsula Kiwi Recovery project will have for the community.
Through the support of landowners and funding bodies, 2,500 ha of farmland and bush is being combed, and the predators of the native flora and fauna being systematically removed.
A highlight recently was the discovery one morning of a large female Brown Kiwi on the Bowling Club greens.
“It had fallen down the bank in the night,” said Jacqui Knight, Chair of Enterprise Russell, the group behind the scheme. “It was returned to the bush near Pukematu Lodge early that evening.”
But not before the local Play Centre had lined the club fence and all had a close view of the bird.
“That was a big plus for the children,” Jacqui said. “Since then they have been told about the Kiwi Recovery project. The local school supports it, and the businesses are behind it. It is community-led pest management at its best.”
Romantic Russell is known not only for its history and heritage but also its rural and scenic landscapes, including large areas of regenerating forest.
Introduced predators play a big part in the destruction of pohutukawa and kiwi, and the B&B operators in the urban areas of Russell envisage a major competitive advantage with guests being able to hear kiwi at night.
“We are grateful for the dedication of wildlife specialist Laurence Gordon, and also the funding bodies,” said Jacqui. “Without their support this would have remained just a dream.”
Further information can be
obtained from Laurence Gordon on 025 501 102 or Jacqui
Knight, Chair of Enterprise Russell at
or telephone 09 403 8843, fax 09 403