DHB's Buses to hospital front entrance
From Monday 22 March buses will be driving right in to hospital front entrance
Work has now been completed on reconfiguring the car-parking layout and roundabout at the front entrance to Hawke’s Bay Hospital. This means from Monday, some Nimon’s buses, which provide free inter-city transport for patients and their support people, can now drive right up to the main entrance, making it more convenient for people coming in to hospital.
Gwenda Kingsland, the DHB’s bus service coordinator, said the on-site drop-off and pick-ups would be a bonus for people coming in to hospital during winter weather. “It will also make life easier for those who have difficulty walking long distances,” Gwenda said.
Ms Kingsland said not all buses will be coming on site. ‘”Nimon’s new Volvo buses, which feature a super-low floor which tilts down to meet the kerb, will be driving up to the hospital front door. “Of the 32 bus runs between Hastings and Napier, 22 will be utilising the new buses and driving right in to the hospital grounds.
“These new buses also have a special on-board wheelchair parking space and a pull-out ramp, allowing smooth access for people in wheelchairs,” she said.
All buses which leave either Hastings or Napier on the hour will come right in to the hospital grounds.
The bus timetable
is available on the HBDHB website:
http://www.healthinhawkesbay.co.nz then click on ‘HB
Hospital’, then ‘Transport & Parking’. All runs which come
into the hospital grounds are marked with an ‘H’ on the
timetable. The timetable is also available from Nimon’s
phone 877