Youthline's Counselling Service Here To Stay
For immediate release
Youthline's Phone Counselling Service Here To Stay
Youthline has a proud history of more than 30 years' service to the young people of New Zealand.
The organisation estimates it currently receives 200,000 calls to its 0800 helpline nationwide.
Pat Hadlee, chair of the Board of Trustees, says Youthline's phone counselling service is available 16 hours a day, seven days a week and the organisation's aim is to ensure any young person who rings the 0800 number can reach someone who can help them.
"Our professionally trained counsellors assist young callers from throughout New Zealand," says Hadlee. "Youthline takes its responsibility as a health services provider to young people extremely seriously. Each call lasts on average 30 minutes, so our volunteers have the opportunity to make a strongly positive impact in these young people's lives."
Youthline's helpline number is 0800 376 633 and is available 16 hours a day, seven days a week.
Another phone counselling service is Kidsline, operated by Lifeline, and is targeted at children aged up to 13 years. Its number is 0800 KIDSLINE