''Go Live'' Today – Official Launch Tomorrow
1 April 2004
Partnership Health
Canterbury Te Kei O Te Waka
''Go Live'' Today – Official
Launch Tomorrow
New Zealand’s newest Primary Health Organisation (PHO), Partnership Health Canterbury Te Kei o Te Waka, is formally established today (1 April 2004).
The official launch, however, will be tomorrow (2 April 2004) at a community lunch with the Minister of Health, Annette King, as the keynote speaker.
A hundred guests, representing the broad strands of primary healthcare are expected, hosted by the 19 strong governance body of Partnership Health Canterbury Te Kei o Te Waka
“The reason we have such a large governance body is simple” said Dame Ann Hercus, the Chair of the new organisation.
“Partnership Health has the most inclusive and representative governance structure of any PHOs to date in New Zealand, encompassing representatives of the broad range of primary health care providers (including over 100 general practices), together with representatives of Iwi, the Pacific Island community, local authorities, and consumer groups, representing the views of the users of health care services from the Christchurch and Selwyn regions”.
“Primary Health Organisations throughout New Zealand are required to listen to both providers and consumers” she said. “Partnership Health Canterbury’s governance structure has equal numbers of representatives of primary health care service providers and users of those services. This is an organisation with a balanced voice”, says Dame Ann.
“Our Governance body also represents an amazing network and great depth of expertise and knowledge about quality delivery of primary health care in Canterbury” said the Chair.
Partnership Health will, before the official launch, formally make a presentation to the Canterbury District Health Board at 10:00am at the Christchurch City Council Chambers.