Fluoride Action Network Open Letter
August 2004
Dear Sir/Madam
Fluoride Action Network (NZ) Incorporated invites all free-thinking, health-conscious people to support their call to end artificial water-fluoridation in New Zealand.
This progressive move would be in keeping with continental Europe and many other parts of the world.
Concerns are many and include:
The use of hazardous industrial wastes as the fluoride source
The inherently toxic nature of fluoride, an enzyme poison more toxic than lead
That water fluoridation is effectively mass medication without consent
Failure to monitor public exposure to fluoride (WHO requirement)
Lack of evidence of benefits to dental health
Failure to adequately monitor health risks eg arthritis, reflux, hip fractures, kidney disease etc etc
Failure to protect malnourished children and the aged, who are amongst the most vulnerable to fluoride poisoning
One in every 20 new members before December 1st 2004 will receive a free copy of the newly-released, internationally acclaimed exposé The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson.
Membership is very affordable at $10 per annum, and applies to groups or individuals.
For further information please see http://www.fannz.org.nz