School Dental Clinic Review
31 August 2004
School Dental Clinic Review
The Canterbury District Health Board is participating in a national review of school dental clinics. Review coordinator Megan Gibbs said the review will look at how oral health care is delivered to children aged between two and twelve years.
‘The review’s key focus is to find ways that will make the school dental system work better and identify potential gaps in the service,’ she said.
‘We have already done a stocktake of existing facilities and equipment. We also have information that tells us about the children that the School & Community Dental Service is treating. Once that data is analysed we will be able to identify areas where there are shortcomings and develop some ideas about how we could deliver services better .’
Ms Gibbs said is was premature to anticipate the outcome of the review when it had only just started.
‘We have made contact with primary schools’ Boards of Trustees and are inviting participation in the review by the organisations and people who are directly involved in the school dental service. We want them to tell us what will make it easier for them to access dental services for their children.’
The Canterbury review will be sent to the Ministry of Health in October as part of the national report with recommendations for potential actions.