Hui planned to mark WellChild/Tamariki Ora Week
2 May 2006
Hui planned to mark WellChild/Tamariki Ora Week
WellChild week runs from 7– 13 May. In Hawke’s Bay the Child Interagency Network, a coalition of health providers which includes Maori health providers, plunket nurses, public health nurses, midwives and others who work with families of children aged 0-5 years, are hosting a hui on Thursday 11 May. The hui is for all WellChild providers.
WellChild providers provide care for babies through to five year olds. This ranges from developmental assessments throughout childhood to breast-feeding advice, dental checks, nutritional advice, social and educational requirements, free immunisations, parenting skills, managing toddler behaviour and keeping safe.
Every child is provided with a WellChild book at birth. This provides an ongoing record of a child’s growth, development and immunisations. It also contains useful information for parents and caregivers.
Keynote speaker at the hui is paediatrician, Dr Marguerite Dalton. She will be speaking around the Wellchild/ Tamariki Ora book as a tool for the health professionals who use it and why it is so important for families to make the best use of it. Marguerite Dalton is a practising paediatrician in Auckland and heads the national steering group for WellChild.
DHB staff will present information on updates to the immunisation schedule, the DHB’s coordinator for Family Violence Intervention will talk about initiatives underway in the Hawke’s Bay community and the WellChild providers within the Hawke’s Bay region will also present information about their services at this hui.