Palmerston North hub for emerging health research
Palmerston North hub for emerging health research
Palmerston North-based health researchers have been awarded
Emerging Researcher First Grants as part of the Health
Research Council of New Zealand (HRC) annual funding round
announced today.
The HRC is the principal Government
agency responsible for funding health
research in New
Emerging Researcher First Grants are awarded to first class emerging researchers looking to establish independent careers in health research who have not previously held a competitive research contract of more than $50,000.
Both recipients are based at Massey University and are undertaking research projects that will focus on improving Maori health outcomes.
Mr Bevan Clayton-Smith at Te Pumanawa Hauora, the University’s Research Centre for MaoriHealth and Development, will undertake a study of older Maori and medication. This will examine and detail medication-taking practice behaviours of older Maorito develop more appropriate, specific and sensitive health services.
Ms Hope Tupara, also based at the Centre, will investigate whanau bioethical decision making. Ms Tupara will explore the decision making process of three whanau who are or have been participating in established research into rare disorders.
The study applies matauranga Maorianalysis to decision making and explores its potential at the interface with science, to develop our understanding of the decision process as it applies to Maoriand genetic research.