Settlement in Radiation Therapists Strike
Settlement in Radiation Therapists Strike
Saturday 13, January, 2007
A pay deal’s been
struck with Radiation Therapists who have called off all
industrial action. Strikes threatened in Auckland and
Wellington on Monday will not go ahead and DHBs will be
trying to get back to normal treatment schedules as quickly
as possible.
Murray Georgel, CEO of MidCentral District Health Board and Spokesperson for the DHBs, says DHBs were able to increase their pay offer when radiation therapists agreed to extend the time the agreement covers.
“We’re delighted that the RTS have extended the length of the agreement and reduced their claims so DHBs can stay within our budgets.
“The sad thing is there have been more than 270 separate notices of industrial action, hundreds of people have had their treatment disrupted, but the framework for this deal was on the table in the middle of last year.
“The lesson from this is that meaningful negotiation is the way to achieve fair and reasonable settlements – not industrial action.”
Mr Georgel says the package includes 1.0% backdated to April last year, another 1.5% backdated to October and another 2.5% from July this year – on top of the step increases.
“The deal means DHBs can start reducing the waiting lists caused by the action over the last four months. Just how long it will take will vary from hospital to hospital.”