Pneumococcal vaccine gets green light
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Pneumococcal vaccine gets green light
campaign comes to fruition
The Meningitis Trust is pleased to announce that, after 12-months of hard work, the Ministry of Health has agreed to make a life-saving vaccine freely available to all New Zealand children.
Health Minister Pete Hodgson today said (subs: Sunday) that pneumococcal vaccine would be put on the free immunisation schedule for 2008 - giving children the best available defence against the deadly but preventable pneumococcal disease.
The announcement paves the way for the vaccine to be freely available around June next year.
"This is a proven life-saver," says Meningitis Trust general manager Fiona Colbert. "We applaud the government for its support and that it has recognised the benefits of this vaccine. This is a major step forward for the health of our children."
Every year over 500 New Zealanders, many of whom are children, fall victim to invasive pneumococcal disease, a silent disease that can kill or cause devastating brain injury. Auckland studies found nearly 2 of every 1,000 children under 2 years old are hospitalised with invasive pneumococcal disease. For Maori and Pacific children the rate is slightly higher with nearly 3 of 1,000 children under 2 years old hospitalised. By World Health Organisation standards this is an epidemic.
The WHO estimates that 1.6 million people, including one million young children, die of this disease every year. Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV-7) was added to the routine childhood immunisation programmes in the USA in 2000, Australia in 2005 and in the UK in 2006. In those countries, the disease has been significantly reduced
Pneumococcal infections are a leading cause of meningitis, bacteraemia, pneumonia and bacterial otitis media [middle ear infection].
"We have had phenomenal support from families throughout New Zealand and we thank them for that. Now we need their support in making sure their children are vaccinated to give them the best available defence against this deadly disease," says Mrs Colbert.
What is Pneumococcal
Pneumococcal (pronounced new-mo-cockle) disease
is a leading cause of meningitis ( infection of the membrane
of the spinal cord), bacteraemia (bacterial infection of the
blood) and bacterial pneumonia (lung inflammation),
bacterial otitis media (middle ear infection) and sinusitis
(sinus infection).
It is caused by a common bacterium,
Streptococcus (S.) pneumoniae.
Who is at
Children under 2 years of age
Children who
attend daycare
Children exposed to one or more courses of
Children who have suffered at least one
recent ear infection
Children in high risk groups such as
immuno-compromised individuals
Maori and Pacific Island
children, especially those aged less than 2 years are also
at increased risk
How serious is Pneumococcal
Disease in New Zealand?
Pneumococcal disease can be very
serious. It may cause death, permanent hearing loss and
brain damage.
Over 500 New Zealanders will contract
invasive pneumococcal disease each year - with a
significant proportion of these cases occurring in children
under 2 years of age Pneumococcal disease can impact the
quality of life for a child and the entire family.
children who contract pneumococcal disease are
Pneumococcal disease places a heavy burden
on New Zealand healthcare resources.
How might
children contract Pneumococcal Disease?
The pneumococcal
bug is carried in the nose and throats of many healthy
adults and children.
It can be passed from one child to
another in droplets that are released into the air by
sneezing and coughing.
What are the
Fits, fever, vomiting, irritability, dislike of
bright lights, drowsiness, confusion, loss of consciousness,
high pitched crying, bulging fontanelle, joint and/or muscle
headache, stiff neck.
These symptoms might
look like "the flu" and not all symptoms may be present.
How is Pneumococcal Disease prevented?
disease is now largely preventable through
Vaccination may reduce the spread of
pneumococcal disease.
Prevenar is the first and only
vaccine available to prevent serious pneumococcal disease in
infants and young children.
In New Zealand, the
Prevenar vaccine is currently only available for children at
special risk and on the private market.