Wairarapa Hospital Volunteers Launch New Service
Media Release
Wairarapa Hospital Volunteers launch new service
They are taking over the tracking down of overdue loan equipment, particularly crutches for the emergency and physiotherapy departments. "We really appreciate this new service," says Emergency Department Nurse Viv Petersen.
"We are down to our last few pairs of crutches and are at the point of having to order in yet more new pairs, when we know there must be dozens of pairs no longer needed in the community. Tracking down equipment can be very time consuming, and our nursing and clerical staff are often just too busy with more direct patient care. Having the volunteers take on this role frees us up to get on with what we do best, and hopefully we'll save money on new crutches, too."
"The volunteers are delighted to provide this service," says coordinator Carol MacDonald. "Some of our volunteers just love telephone work, and they can see that they can really make a difference for staff and patients here. We've contacted all the medical centres in the Wairarapa, and they are happy to act as depots to collect loan equipment, or people can just bring it to the hospital and hand it to a volunteer at the front desk. You can't miss us in our red vests!"
Having the help of the Medical Centres is a real bonus, according to Viv.
"It means people don't have to travel to return the equipment, and it also deals to the embarrassment factor, if someone remembers Auntie's crutches that were put in the back of the cupboard when she died three years ago, and don't know what to do with them now. New crutches can cost up to $70 a pair, so we are very thankful when old equipment is returned, with no questions asked. It means that money can be used for a more worthwhile purpose."
Anyone unable to return equipment to the hospital or a medical centre is asked to phone Karen on 946 9800 x 4300, and pick-up will be arranged – with thanks!