Car seats vital for saving young lives
Media Release
4 February 2008
For immediate
Car seats vital for saving young
“Car seats remain vital for saving children’s lives,” says Sue Campbell, Plunket’s National Safety Advisor in light of new research from the University of Auckland, Auckland City Hospital and the Cot Death Association.
The research found that breathing problems in babies, which can on occasion result from a child’s head slumping forward and potentially blocking airways, can be reduced when infants are placed in a car seat with additional support from a foam insert, to allow the infant's head to sit upright.
“Plunket supports the research findings and the development of the foam insert. It is important that parents and caregivers make the right choices and have the right information when selecting a car seat, including how to use them correctly,” says Sue.
Car seats are designed to provide protection for children during car travel – they are not recommended for use as a bed, so it is best to restrict long journeys while the baby is young. Where possible, have an adult sit in the back beside baby to watch them.
If you have any questions about car
seats contact your local Plunket Car Seat Rental Scheme. All
staff are Safe2Go* trained technicians.
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