CDHB proposes RFP for residential homes
TO: News Room
FROM: Michele Hider,
Communications Manager
DATE: 11.2.08
SUBJECT: CDHB proposes RFP for management of residential homes
Canterbury District Health Board is considering issuing a Request for Proposals for the management of its three residential homes for people with intellectual disabilities, who have experienced mental illness.
The residents of the homes, their families and staff were advised today of CDHB’s proposal to contract the management of the homes to an external provider. Residents would continue to have access to mental health services from the DHB.
Vince Barry, General Manager of the CDHB’s Specialist Mental Health Service said the suggestion has been made in order to provide a sustainable service for people with ‘dual diagnosis’.
“We know that the management of these homes and provision of services relating to intellectual disabilities could be well delivered by an external provider that specialises in this area. When mental health services were required they would be available to residents in the same way that they are now, “he said.
The three homes are owned by Housing NZ and CDHB is the tenant. A fourth home was vacated last year because the house was in a poor state of repair. All residents at the time were re-located into the remaining three houses.
The management proposals sought by the CDHB would need to include the three houses, 16 residential beds and staff. The 18 existing staff (12 full time equivalents) have been advised that they would be able to stay and work for the new organisation or opt to apply for other positions within the CDHB.
Residents, their families and staff have been asked to make their submissions on the suggested change of management by 25 February 2008