Morning After Pill Will Increase Problems
Morning After Pill Will Increase Problems
Thurs 8th May 2008
Vision Network national director Glyn Carpenter, has added his voice to the many others opposed to the free morning after pill.
Unfortunately the default solution to increasing problems in many areas these days it to keep doing more and more of the same rather than think about whether a different approach is needed.
There are numerous reports about
negative side-effects with this pill. It is disengenuous to
say the pill avoids abortions when that is precisely what it
does do.
There is also a law of unintended consequences
which suggests that the availability of such "escape"
solutions leads to more pressure on vulnerable people to
engage in behaviour they do not want to.
The growing numbers of sexual diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and domestic violence incidents, are related to a reductionist view of human life and dignity.
Until we change this view, not only will we not solve the problems, but we may actually increase them.